Photo by Dylan Rakes
In this edition of Fishing Stories we have 2 poems by Thomas Watts dedicated to one of our favourite fish, the brook trout!
Untitled #1
No wonder brook trout are dearly loved & so they should be.
In a world with diminishing light, they remain shrouded in mystery & magic,
their sides and backs are adorned with galaxies of distant stars & constellations.
Truly the last of the remaining magical beasts, that this world has to offer.
- Thomas Watts
Untitled #2
When my eyes grow tired of this world, I close them tightly, imagining myself on a distant quiet stream, fly rod in one hand, and the other? a smattering of humble flies tied the night before, hair, feather, thread, hope, humility & blessed with dabs of whiskey.
Nothing will tire me of perfecting a gentle cast, soft and straight as not to disturb the natural order of life carrying on without the ugliness of this world.
And if deemed honourable enough, perhaps a rise from the noblest magical beast of them all, the brook trout.
Nothing will tire me of perfecting a gentle cast, soft and straight as not to disturb the natural order of life carrying on without the ugliness of this world.
And if deemed honourable enough, perhaps a rise from the noblest magical beast of them all, the brook trout.
- Thomas Watts
Untitled #3
"To me she was everything. The love I pursued like no one before. She became mine for a brief moment every spring & fall, feather & fur dance of seductive offerings tied the night before. This moment between her and I. Always releasing her gently again to the wilds once more. We played this game from when I was knee high to a grass hopper and as I am now later in my fall. I find more time for her even more. For she is mine and I am hers forever more."
- Thomas Watts
You can find Thomas on Instagram under @canadiantroutbum.
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