The Starting Lineup

By Jamie Pike   With the 2022 Atlantic Salmon season upon us, albeit the first week, I have been perusing my fly boxes to make sure I am well equipped with my favourite flies. As...

Sakasa Kebari

by Amanda Hoffner Sakasa flies originated in Japan hundreds of years ago. The name refers to the way the hackle is tied onto the hook, which in this case is “reverse”.  There are many types...

Jones Special

By Félix Lamoureux Originally created by Marc Leblanc, this fly has caught many Salmon! Recipe: Hook: Daiichi 2051 size 3-7 Thread: White Uni 8/0 and blue sky for the head Tag and ribbig: Small French Oval...

The Akroyd

By Kenzie Kozera   Originating in 1878, the Akroyd was a creation of Mr. Charles Akroyd and quickly became one of the most common patterns to swim the River Dee. Although initially tied for Atlantic...

Fish Stories & Recipes

The Craft Behind Timber&Fins: A Look Into the Heart of Our Handmade Products

  At Timber&Fins, we believe in creating products that stand the test of time—gear that doesn’t just serve a purpose but carries a story, a history and the promise of quality craftsmanship. Inspired by the...

The Art of Bamboo Rod Making: A Conversation with Craftsman Edward Few

I recently had the pleasure of talking with an incredibly talented bamboo rod maker, whose work merges artistry with the...

Why Fall is the Best Season: Crisp Air, Cozy Sweaters and Last Casts!

Fall has always been my favorite time of year. There’s something magical about the crisp cold air and the brilliant...

Salmon Fishing Adventure on the Bonaventure River

By David-Alexandre Chabot    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I don't get the chance to go fishing...