Many of my childhood memories revolved around fishing and the joy of creating things with my own two hands. Growing up in a household with artistic parents, I was immersed in a world of design and creativity from an early age. I can still vividly recall my father engrossed in his acrylic paintings or playing on his guitar.
Among the cherished memories of my childhood are the summer trips. Water was always an integral part of our family's adventures. Whether we were kayaking in Mingan or seeking the world's best-smoked salmon in a quaint shed in Percé(M.Émile), our minds were captivated by the allure of the sea. We relished the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding landscapes and It was during these moments that I truly felt connected to both nature and my father.
One particular fishing trip remains etched in my memory. Although this was referred to as "deep-sea fishing", some might argue that the term was a slight exaggeration. We could still see the coast from where we were but to us it was as exciting as it gets. Our target specie was cod but that proved fruitless so the captain guided us to a spot abundant with mackerel, and the excitement that followed was unparalleled. We caught so many fish that we had to cease our endeavours to prevent spoilage.
The memories I shared with my father on the water, surrounded by fish and immersed in creativity, have shaped my passion for fishing, making, and artistic pursuits. From the cherished childhood souvenirs to the treasured memories created together, I am forever grateful for the time spent.
This summer, it's my turn to take my kids on a summer vacation. All I can hope is that they will create cherished memories similar to the ones I still hold dear to this day!
Happy Father's Day to all the dad out there,
David-Alexandre Chabot - Owner
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